Ah, yes...Deep Thoughts from a five year old! The other night, Joe was trying to get Austin to clean up his room. The conversation went something like this...
Joe: Get in there and clean up your room.
Austin: You help me...
Joe: I didn't help you make the mess and its your room.
Austin: No, its not my room. It's GOD'S room!
Joe: (after a lengthy pause) Well, God wants you to pick it up (well played!)
Austin: That's not fair...you're making me a slave...God doesn't like to make people slaves!
Joe: (nothing!)
As you can see, we've been reading the Bible quite a bit! Next thing you know, Joe will be Pharaoh!
Today, we went ice skating with our Sunday School class (well, two other families!) We had a BLAST...OK, me and Austin had fun. Kayla went around the rink once, pretty much with me holding her up and Joe made it around a few times. I think I saw him hit the ice a few times, too!! Austin and I had a GREAT time, though its hard to teach an almost five year old how to keep his feet underneath him when he's standing on two blades on a sheet of ice!

Austin after one of the many times he hit the ice! I'm not sure if he is reaching for help to be picked up or telling Joe not to take any pictures!

Aren't they so darn sweet to each other!

Here's Kayla with her skates on! She did a much better job of walking around in them on dry land than she did on the ice!

Me and Austin on the ice together! He did such a good job for having never done anything like that before!

Last weekend, I went out of town and Joe had the kids to himself ALL WEEKEND (GASP!) Before I tell this story, remember my post around Christmas time when I said I would regret buying Austin his painting set? Well...I now regret it! Somehow, Austin got the paints out and the kids were painting in the kitchen while Joe was playing his video game (that's a whole other issue!) They were allegedly doing fine for a while and painting on paper. However, Kayla decided she didn't like the color of our tile floor and PAINTED THEM ALL BLACK! Joe realizes what's going on and puts a stop to it. He cleans up the floor and bathes Kayla (although, the bathtub is still black from it!) Thank goodness for water soluble paint! Anyway, he puts the kids in the room watching a movie and returns to his video game, leaving the bottle of paint on the end table. Well, our darling 2 year old comes out, gets the paint without being seen and paints the wood floor black, as well as the carpet and the walls! Why is it that you can't get a child to make a handprint on paper when you're trying to make something, but they have no problem making perfect handprints on walls?! We were able to get it all cleaned up, except for the wall that will need to be repainted!

She's so proud of herself in this picture!!!
Reference back to one of my earlier posts, as well, about wishing I would have my cameral available to take more pictures of things. Well, below are two pictures of Kayla in moments that we busted her in. Apparently, Austin is not as mischievous as she is, so I don't have as many pictures of him doing funny things.

I think Kayla might actually be working on her own blog here!

So, we busted Kayla climbing up on the cabinet to get her Flinstone's vitamins down. I of course grabbed the camera to take a picture and then got her off!

Hope you're all still doing well and ready for March to get here! I can't believe that next weekend we will return to Daylight Savings Time (don't forget!) 2009 is already moving right along and taking us with it!