So...WOW...I can't believe it has been almost a month since I posted! We have (obviously) been VERY busy! Valentine's Day brought some much needed family time...we had a great day just spending time together. The kids went to a birthday party and had a wonderful time. Later, we got them to show some love to each other so we could take some pictures!!

About a week before Valentine's Day, we went to the zoo in Houston with some friends. It was very much a last minute decision, but we went and had a great time together! The kids all had so much fun just running around and being crazy. Its a long way just to go to a zoo, but it was worth it to spend some family time together!

This is Kayla crawling through the tunnel in the aquarium. The tunnel lets the kids "feel" like they're in the water with the fish!

Austin was standing up against the glass looking at the fish and I loved the way he was silhouetted against the light!
Other than that, we've just been busy doing the many things we do! Joe and I are playing softball again and are heading to a softball game in just a little bit. Austin is playing soccer again this spring and has his first soccer game this weekend. He had his second practice tonight and seemed to have a good time, even though it was pretty cold outside! Its funny to see how he remembers things from the fall. They all actually seemed to remember what they were supposed to be doing when they were out there practicing!
When we got home tonight, I walked into the bedroom and Kayla was laying on our bed "watching TV." It was just one of those moments I had to grab the camera!

I hope all has been well for all of you and that you haven't missed us too much! As always...I'll try to post more!
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