So, today is Kayla's birthday, although it has really been more of a birthday weekend! We had Kayla's party yesterday at The Bounce. The Bounce is really a very smart idea on the part of some entrepreneur here in town to fill a building with jump houses. What more could a kid ask for than about 10 different play things to jump in...and what could make a parent more crazy?! Well, we had about 15 kids come to celebrate with Kayla and I'm pretty sure she had a good time. OK, I'm not really sure she realized that the party was for her, but she had a good time anyway. We were there for about two hours, and she was definitely worn out by the end of the day! When we opened presents when we got home, it took forever because she wanted to COMPLETELY open every present she got. That also caused some problems for Austin. He was having such a hard time with Kayla getting a lot of presents and him not getting anything. And then he was getting really upset when she didn't want to share her toys. My mom kept having to sit him down and talk to him about how his birthday was coming up soon and that he would get presents then!

Here's Kayla jumping in one of the jumpie things! She had a BLAST!!

Austin joined in the fun, too. Here is he coming off of one of the slides!

Here's Kayla climbing the stairs to one of the slides!

Again, Kayla playing in one of the jumpie things. She is growing up so fast!

Austin had to show Kayla how to blow out the candles...and then he ended up blowing them out himself! She's lucky to have a big brother to show her how to do things!

I joined in on the fun, too...but only because Kayla convinced me she needed me to take her down the slide! I'm pretty sure those things aren't made for grown ups!

This is one of the presents Kayla got...a princess chair. Doesn't it look like a throne?!
Before Kayla's party, we had her two year pictures taken. I know, I I really need more pictures of the kids, right?! Well, this time, Mark Sykes, the photographer we use came to the house and took pictures of Kayla playing in her room. He basically just let her play and followed her around the room and took pictures. I can't wait to see them...I think he got some really cute ones!
Its so amazing to see how much Kayla has changed, even in the past year. She is such a sweet girl, although we are definitely starting to see signs of the "terrible twos". She is talking so much now, although there are times I'm not quite sure what she's saying, but she is such a doll. I can't wait to see what this next year brings us...hopefully not too many temper tantrums!

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