Monday, December 29, 2008
Words you never thought you'd say...
"Kayla, stop biting the cat's tail..."
Wow...those are things you never thought you'd have to say!
Post Christmas Let-Down?
So much for "many updates" during the week of Christmas-I should have known better than to make such a promise! The kids have been busy playing with all their fun Christmas gifts. Kayla just loves the kitchen and MANY baby dolls she got and has spent much time changing their diapers and making us all food to eat. Austin has been playing non-stop with his spiderman and astronaut toys and I'm pretty sure we've seen Wall-E 19 times since Christmas!
On Christmas Eve, Joe's family all came out to his mom's house and we had a big dinner. Joe made a prime rib that was AMAZING! The kids had a great time playing outside and swinging with their cousin. Kayla had on her dress so we could try to take family pictures (which was NOT successful!) and then she didn't want to take it off, so we left it on her for the rest of the day. Even while she was out in the barn with the horses! That night, we put out the cookies and milk, along with some hay for the reindeer, along with special reindeer food and then went to bed...but not really...WE, OF COURSE, WATCHED WALL-E!!!

The next morning, we were pleasantly surprised (OK, the kids were!) to see the bikes that had been left for them. Kayla's was really from my grandparents, but it just seemed right to have both bikes out for the kids. Austin also got a painting set, which I may come to regret in the future. Kayla got a nursery center for her babydolls-which has already very much come in handy! The babydolls are all very clean after their baths and are well fed with food from the kitchen!

We spent the rest of the week after Christmas before coming back home to visit with my parents for about a day before they left to head back again. Now its time to take it all down and get ready to start all over again. I realized that I have less than 2 weeks to get ready for Kayla's birthday-I realize that she's only turning 2 and that I don't have to do anything big, but I did for Austin's and I'm afraid she'll feel slighted! When am I going to learn?
So, what have I learned this year? Well, here we go
1. Having two kids that have very different personalities tends to drive you crazy-but it sure is fun!
2. Organized sports can be fun even if we "don't keep score"
3. Just because one kid does things one way doesn't mean the other will follow suit!
4. Just because I want to lose weight doesn't mean it will happen!
5. Joining a gym isn't actually have to go!
6. Having a "biter" isn't the end of the world-I just have to work with her a little more!
7. Kids grow up way too fast and you never take pictures at the times you wish you had!
8. A change in a job (Joe's) to a location much further away will actually give me more time with my husband!
9. Sometimes in an election, good really does come out on top (and I'm not talking about the National election!)
10. Friends and family are one of the most important things in the world and you never keep in touch as much as you wish you would!
I hope you've all had a wonderful holiday season and have as much to be thankful for and look forward to in the new year as we do!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
So, later, Kayla gets up and is playing outside. When Austin was little, we used to let him play outside at Gee's house without worrying about what he was doing. He always stayed right near the house and RARELY got into anything he wasn't supposed to. Kayla, on the otherhand, cannot be trusted even if she were on a leash. She gets into EVERYTHING! Yesterday, I walked outside and she had her hands in the little fishpond behind the house trying to catch the little goldfish in there. She looks up at me and says "Look, Mommy, fishies..." Wow... Well, today, Gee goes outside to look for Kayla and can't find her, but she can hear her talking. She walks around the corner and finds Kayla ON THE TRACTOR!!! Kayla has climbed up by herself and is sitting in the tractor pretending to drive. I finally convince her that we should go get Bubba (mostly so he can keep his eye on her while she's playing!) and as we're heading into the house, he comes out. She waves him over and says "come on Bubba" and then proceeds to show him that she has discovered the tractor they can play on! Wow, again...

And here they both are. I think Austin is trying to figure out if he's going to get in trouble by being on the tractor!
They have been having such a great time and are taking a nap as I type this! Tonight, the rest of Joe's family will be coming over to eat dinner and open gifts. Should be an incredibly hectic night! I'm sure it will be VERY easy to put them to bed tonight!
Last week was Austin's Christmas program at school...he was one of the three wisemen. He was so cute (again...not that I'm biased or anything!) and did such a good job standing by the manger scene!
That night, we went to Santa's Wonderland with some of our friends. We ate dinner, went to the petting zoo, took a hayride to look at Christmas lights and sat by the campfire. It was a very fun night for everyone, although you wouldn't know it by Kayla's temper tantrum at the end of the night.
Here are the kids waiting "patiently" for the hayride!I'm pretty sure Kayla had had enough and was ready to go home!
Finally, we celebrated Christmas with my family on Sunday evening since they would all be in Houston and we're all at Joe's mom's house. Austin's favorite gift was a Polar Express train that my grandparent's game him. He said it was his "best Christmas present ever." Kayla got a kitchen from my mom that has already gotten much play time. She loves to make dinner for everyone, even though it usually consists of plastic cookies. Its probably a good thing that we split it all up into several days. I think both children were a little overwhelmed by everything on Sunday.
Austin with his new train!Who knows what Kayla was cooking at this point!
We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy spending time with family and friends. I will post more as the week progresses!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Winter Wonderland!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
I'm beginning to think stores have the right idea...

Merry Christmas from the Comte kids!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008 from far!

After several years of tailgating for almost all the A&M games, we were somewhat derailed this season with the addition of soccer to our already busy lives! But we were able to have a tailgate party for the last game against OU. The tailgate party was really fun...can't say the same about the game! Our great friends Chris and Melissa were able to come and bring Gracie...their three month old baby (although I think she was only two months at the time!) Gracie is such a blessing after everything they went through to have her and the Comte kids sure love being around her. Auntie (my brother's wife) and her kids came up as well. Austin just loves playing with them and missed having them here so much. My niece sure loves him and loves to be around him. I took some really cute pictures...just didn't think my SIL would want me putting their pictures all over the internet!

About a week before the tailgate, Chris and Melissa came over for dinner and my kiddos couldn't get enough of Gracie! Kayla is finally warming up to her and was trying to get her to play, I think! Austin just likes to hold her and touch her head...not sure what that's about!

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and enjoys time with friends and family. I know I keep saying it, but I will try to be better about putting pictures up. Maybe I need to figure out how to work that nifty slide show thingy!

And...finally...HALLOWEEN!!! Austin dressed as an "Army" (ie: a soldier...sorry, Poppa!) I bought his costume at a local army surplus store and then sewed the patches on myself. (See earlier blog about learning to sew!) He's put it on several more times to play dress up in and also to go outside and shoot his M16 (no...its not real!) in the front redneck can we get?! Kayla on the other hand was a fairy princess. I was worried because, leading up to Halloween, she did not like to wear the crown and the wings, but she ended up doing great and looking so angelic...boy, she had everyone fooled!

And...I just had to add one picture of our newest neighborhood watch mechanism!

I'm going to post November pictures in another post!